August 01, 2018

Why you should consider moving to an Electronic Tech Log

Since the launch of the iPad in 2010, Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs) have been gaining popularity in the cockpit transforming how data and information is managed and shown to the crew. It is now common for charts, manuals and performance data to all be digital and available to crew using hardware devices such as the iPad. However, there are still a few processes in the cockpit that are reliant on paper, and the aircraft technical log is one of them.

The technical log is a system designed to record operational flight information relating to aircraft maintenance. It can take many forms, but often consists of a paper form which several carbon copies must be distributed to various people both before and after the flight. This process hasn't changed much since its inception, although some operators are now scanning and electronically sending the logs. Unfortunately, a paper-based logging system has inherent flaws and it is common to find errors in the data being recorded and often logs are missing or unreadable. This leads to many issues such as delays or incorrect information causing critical maintenance actions to be missed.

An electronic, or digital, technical log can bring many advantages into an operation:

  • Control over data entry: validation & warnings to ensure the correctness and completeness of records
  • Constant synchronisation of data to all relevant parties
  • Reduced duplicate entries both from flight crew and technical records
  • Ability to act on defects quicker and reduce AOG times
  • Increased log compliance and monitoring

At TrustFlight, we have developed a technical log based on years of experience in commercial aircraft and operations and software development. Head on over to our Tech Log page to find out more.

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